Some types of foam are created when we make concrete. The foam serves to lighten the concrete and make it easier to work with. Have you noticed how when expanding foam is mixed the temp we are mixing at can alter it's expansion significantly? That's right. Hotter temperatures can cause the foam to expand, so it will lead to bigger bubbles. While those larger voids do have the ability to make the concrete lighter, they can also a little weaker, and that's something we need to watch out for.
At CHILUNG incredibly we have also studied how temperature affects the foam and foam concrete. We observed that the foam expands more given higher temperature in general. This effect may, however be altered by the particular type of foam we land on using, as well as any other materials that are combined with the concrete. This is why we need to monitor the temperature when mixing foam so that our results are optimal.
The effect of temperature on foam concrete strength
One of the essential parts of foam concrete — The power Strength is related to the ability of concrete to stop from being pressed down, squished. The strength of foam concrete can be influenced by many factors, for example how much foam do we add, and how do we mix it everything. One of the things we found particularly intriguing was that temperature could do a whole bunch.
For example, In CHILUNG, it was studied how the strength of foam concrete changes depending on temperature. What we found out is that at a higher temperature the concrete specimens were more fragile. This occurs due to the fact that when the temperatures are high, the foam bubbles may expand too far which produces vulnerable sites in the concrete. Alternatively if the temperature is too low, the foam bubbles may not expand fully, and this would cause the concrete to be denser again weaker. It is all about finding the right combination of temperature and the hardness of the concrete.
The Impact of Temperature on Heat Transfer through Foam Concrete
Permeability of heat is another significant property in the case of foam concrete. A fancy term for this is thermal conductivity parade441. Occasionally we have zero intent of heat passing through easily such as when we use foam concrete for insulation. This is essential so that buildings stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
At CHILUNG, they studied the thermal conductivity of foam concrete at low temperatures. We discovered, for the most part, that it gets easier for heat to conduct in the concrete with higher temperature. The Foam Agent bubbles enlarge and join together, forming conduits allowing the heat to escape. But this reaction can depend on the grade of foam used and what other substances are added to the mix. So we are carefully checking that the temperature of the foam each time we mix it to get the desired conductivity.
Why Does It Take Longer Time for Foam Concrete to Harden at Lower Temperatures?
Another important aspect is the setting time. Setting time describes the degree to which concrete emerges as real hard and achieves its ultimate durability level. Many different aspects can result in the setting time changing: from the type of foam we are using to how much is being poured, and of course the temperature.
At CHILUNG, we had tested and experimented to understand how the ambient temperature influence on setting time of foam concrete. What we found The warmer temperatures tend to equal a shorter setting time. Heat speeds up the chemical reactions that harden concrete. However when it gets too hot to set concrete around as an end please note its bad for the strength off the concrete. Therefore, it is very important to measure the temperature accurately so that we can achieve the optimum setting time for cement foaming agent concrete.
How to Construction Cooler Concrete With The Use of Temperature
Now that we understand how temperature works for Aircrete, and the effect it has on the material, let us think about how we can use this information to make some even better concrete.
CHILUNG: CONCRETE EXTREMES FOR THE MODERN MIAMIArch2O | Architecture and Design. In CHILUNG we believe that proper temperature control when foaming can allow us to create more durable and lighter weight concrete. The function of the temperature in this example allows us to control to the optimum foam expansion, strength and thermal conductivity. Through the strict control of the casting temperature, high-quality concrete can be obtained, and its performance is stable and reliable.
This is all about temperature with regard to foam and the resulting effect on foam concrete. We have carried on a lot of research at CHILUNG in order to better understand how temperature impacts various properties of foam concrete. We also carefully monitor and regulate the temperature of each foam batch we mix to ensure that the concrete is strong as well as lightweight. If you need to work with cement foaming machine concrete next time, remember how much temperature can affect the final product.